Oct. 29, 2021

The Large Magellanic Cloud Cannibalizing Smaller Galaxies

The Astronomy, Technology, and Space Science News Podcast.
SpaceTime Series 24 Episode 123
*The Large Magellanic Cloud cannibalizing smaller galaxies
Scientists have confirmed that the Large Magellanic Cloud has been cannibalizing smaller galaxies....

The Astronomy, Technology, and Space Science News Podcast.
SpaceTime Series 24 Episode 123
*The Large Magellanic Cloud cannibalizing smaller galaxies
Scientists have confirmed that the Large Magellanic Cloud has been cannibalizing smaller galaxies. Astronomers already knew that large galaxies like the Milky Way grow by merging with or cannibalizing smaller galaxies. But now a report in the journal Nature has shown that a small satellite dwarf galaxy like the Large Magellanic Cloud has in turn absorbed an even smaller galaxy in its vicinity.
*NASA’s first test of optical communications technology
NASA is about to test a new optical laser communications system in space for the first time. The Laser Communications Relay Demonstration is gearing up for launch next month with the payload now fully integrated into its host spacecraft and ready for its final testing before being lofted into orbit.
*One Web’s constellation passes the halfway mark
One Web have launched another 36 broadband internet satellites into orbit.
*The Science Report
Discovery of the first fossil evidence of modern human remains from the Pleistocene in Sulawesi.
The US State Department provides details on America’s current nuclear weapons stockpile.
A new study suggests horses were first domesticated in the Volga-Don region of Russia.
Skeptic's guide to schadenfreude over COVID deniers who get sick.

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The Astronomy, Space, Technology & Science News Podcast.


SpaceTime S24E123 AI Transcript

[00:00:00] Stuart: This is space time series 24 episode 123 for broadcast on the 29th of October, 2021. Coming up on space time, the large Magellanic cloud cannibalizing, smaller galaxies NASA's first test of optical communications technology and one webs mega broadband internet constellation passes the halfway mark in satellite launches.

All that and more coming up on space time.

[00:00:29] VO Guy: Welcome to space time with Stuart Gary.

[00:00:49] Stuart: Scientists have confirmed that the large Magellanic cloud has been cannibalizing, smaller galaxies. The large Magellanic clouds are satellite dwarf galaxy, which obits, the Milky way. Astronomy has already knew that large galaxies like the Milky way grow by merging with or cannibalizing other galaxies, both the Sagittarius dwarf, elliptical galaxy, and the canis major dwarf galaxy, uh, currently being stripped of stars and gas by the Milky way.

And there are gravitational tidal trails now stretching from both the large and small Magellanic clouds into the Milky way. But now a report in the journal nature has shown that even a small galaxy, like the large Magellanic cloud has in turn absorbed, even smaller galaxies in its specific. Using both the Magellan and very large telescopes in Chile, the orthostatic 11 globular clusters in the large Magellanic cloud, looking for differences in their chemical composition compared to the rest of the cloud globular clusters at tightly bounce phase containing thousands to millions of stars, which were all originally formed at the same time and the same molecular gas and dust cloud.

And there's growing evidence that they could be the surviving COEs of ancient long-gone galaxy. Probably like, plus there's a commonly fan of the halo of galaxies. The Milky way has at least 150 such globular clusters orbiting around its halo. The idea is that the core of a globular cluster can hold together.

Even after billions of years of gravitational pushing and pulling in a galaxy. As the author studied their living globular clusters in the large Magellanic cloud, they found one and GC two of five, which had a distinctly different chemical composition. This cluster contains around 200,000 stars and he's located about 750 light years from the center of the large Magellanic cloud among other things.

The stars in this cluster in Tane lists, zinc copper, Silicon, and calcium and stars, and the other 10 clusters that were studied now based on the chemical composition of NGC two, five, the authors of the juice that the cluster must've been a Relic of a small galaxy in which the stars formed rather slow.

Billions of years ago, this small galaxy would have merged with a then not so large, large Magellanic cloud adding to its overall mass. Over time. Most of the small galaxy would have been pulled apart and it starts scattered, but the central globular cluster, the galactic core, which we now call NGC two, Tableau five has remained intact.

This space-time. Just a reminder that space-time is designed to provide accurate and educational science news and information accessible to everyone. And you can help support our work by becoming a space-time patron. And this gives you access to triple episode commercial-free versions of the show, as well as lots of Burness audio content, which doesn't get away access to exclusive Facebook group and other rewards.

Just go to space time with Stuart, gary.com and click on the support space time. It's still the comm NASA is about to undertake its first test of a new optical communication system and one webs, mega broadband internet constellation passes the halfway mark in satellite launches. Oh that a more stone to come on.

Space time.

NASA is about to test a new optical laser communication system in space for the first time. The laser communications relay demonstration is gearing up for launch next month with a payload now fully integrated into its host, satellite and ready for its final testing. Before being lofted into orbit, the instrument works by using higher frequency infrared light encoded into invisible laser beams rather than radio waves.

In order to sit and receive information from one location to another, because of their high frequencies lasers can transmit far more dead or in a single down. They're also physically smaller in size in mass and have lower power requirements making them ideal for use in spacecraft. As part of the final testing campaign, NASA technicians have integrated the last pieces of hardware completed.

Final inspections conducted Logix integration system. Test. The mission is, is a launch around November the 22nd, a border United launch Alliance, Atlas 5, 5 51 rocket from space launch complex 41 at the Cape Canaveral space for a station in Florida. The spacecraft will be part of the U S department of defense's space test program, satellite six, which will be placed into GA stationary or.

This report from NASA TV

[00:05:49] Guest: since 1958, NASA has relied on radio wave technology to talk with missions in space today we're developing a better way to get spacecraft data. Back to earth. That's where the laser communications really demonstration or LCR D comes in, built and managed by NASA Goddard space flight center.

LCR D will send and receive near infrared laser beams to and from earth as NASA's first long duration test of optical communications technology. The mission aims to perfect space and ground based technology. So why lasers laser communications can transmit up to 100 times more data per second than previous systems by using a shorter wavelength of energy with this increased bandwidth missions can send larger files and even live high definition.

Video from space. Laser communication systems are smaller and more efficient than radio wave technology. They leave more room for science instruments are cheaper to launch and require less energy on board. The spacecraft, these benefits extend to receivers on the ground earth based laser communication receivers can be up to 44 times smaller than the current radio.

LCR D is the next step in making these technologies a reality, helping NASA to push the boundaries of scientific discovery and exploration. Eventually NASA will integrate this technology into future missions, as well as share it with commercial companies.

[00:07:28] Stuart: If you want more space time, don't forget to check out our blog.

There. You'll find all this stuff, which we can't fit in the show. It's heaps of images, you stories. There are videos, and there's lots of funny things I find on the web. Just go to space time with Stuart, gary.tumbler.com. That's all one word and in lower case and that's tumbler without the, still to come on space time.

One webs, mega broadband internet constellation passes the halfway mark and satellite launches. And later in the science report, the U S state department provides details of America's current nuclear weapons, stockpile, or that are more store to come on. Space time.

One web have launched another 36 broadband it's in its satellites into orbit the flight about a soil two on bay, rocket from the viscosity Cosmodrome in Russia's far east brings to 352, the number of one web satellites. Now in orbit, the company plans to operate an initial constellation of 648 of the 150 kilogram.

K you ban spacecraft in 1200 kilometer high over. But as has been the case of late this launch comes as concerns, continue to grow over the damage constellations like one web in space, X is styling and doing two important scientific, astronomical research with trails of these internet satellites polluting the skies, making astronomical observations, more difficult.

This space-time, if you haven't had a chance yet, go and check out our space, time store, everything that we sell there helps support our program. And there's a huge range of promotional merchandising, goodies to choose from these range from jumpers and t-shirts to coffee mugs and neck chains. In fact, there's something there for the geek in all of us.

Just go to space time with Stuart, gary.com and click on the shop button.

And Tom Meditech. Another brief look at some of the other stories making use in science this week with a science report, scientists have discovered the first fossil evidence of modern human remains on the Indonesian island of silhouette. The remain state back to the place to see an era which ended around 12,000 years ago, a report in the journal.

Plus one says the eyelid is a key location in sciences, understanding of how modern humans would have moved between Asia and Australia. The lack of fossilized human remains from this region meant that the knowledge of how humans first moved into the region and then moved between the islands is limited.

The authors say the new finds could fit in with several different models of migration through the region. And while it can't give a definitive answer or which muddles, right, it's still a value is it shows that early modern humans were present in a region that may have hosted in bondable species of ancient humans.

The us state department has published details on America's current nuclear weapons, stockpile. The data shows that as of September the 30th, 2020, the United States, military maintained 3,750 nuclear warheads. That's down 55 from a year earlier and 72 lists. Then in 2017, it's the lowest level since the U S nuclear stockpile peaked at the height of the cold war with the Soviet union in 1967.

Back then America had 31,255 thermonuclear warhead. Meanwhile a report from the Stockholm international peace research Institute, which also includes retired nuclear awards, not included in the state department's numbers share that as of January, this year, the United States actually had 5,550 war. Back in Paris, the Russia's 6,255, at least 350 in China.

290 nuclear warheads in France, 225 in Britain. 165 in Pakistan, 160 nuclear warheads in India and 45 nuclear warheads in North Korea. Israel, which was the sixth country in the world to develop nuclear weapons, but doesn't acknowledge its nuclear forces is believed to have somewhere between 90 and 220 thermonuclear weapons and new study suggests that horses may have first been domesticated in the Volga Dawn Ridge and of what is now Russia for spreading across the rest of the world 4,200 years ago.

Uh, report the journal nature found that a specific genetic profile began to spread around the world. At this time, replacing all the wild horse populations from the Atlantic to Mongolia within a few centuries, the authors found two key genes that were different in this horse. One is linked to more dose all behavior, and the second indicates a stronger spine suggesting that horseback riding was important.

Part of the rise of these horses. The author suggests that these characteristics ensured the animal's success at a time when horse travel was becoming global psychologists say it's really not all that weird to feel sharp lymphoid when COVID-19 denies, end up getting COVID-19. The more religious might even describe it as divine justice.

But of course you should always remember that every COVID death is a disaster for family and friends, Tim minim, from Australian skeptics points out. There are lots of websites dedicated to mocking those who denounce or defy public health measures like vaccines mask, where Oregon social distance.

[00:13:26] Tim Mendham: I mean psychologist evil, as you might think. And for those people who don't speak French, German, obviously taking someplace, but in many cases, if it has an extra element to them, sort of taking pleasure in someone's misfortune, when them, they deserve it. Um, like if they'd just reserved sort of things.

People do have this thing about some have described as cruel, it's taking pleasure when someone else gets a type, especially someone who's been saying it's not real. The real element comes in is when someone who's a major influencer, like a politician or a radio shock jock or a podcaster or whatever, to be making continual claims that there is vaccination.

Doesn't work. That type of thought. We looked at her and then comes down with that. Since I knew if I would've taken the vaccine, if I knew I was going to get sick. And that's when Chad really comes in and. Yep, but I didn't feel sorry for you at all. In fact, I feel quite pleased and doing someone else with this approach, and it's not exactly the most.

They have to go by the same pathetic way to go. You don't really take them through them. And if someone gets to keep them, but in these particular cases, we're looking at Kelly with people who are COVID denial. You've kind of been denied as an influential kind of a denial. We don't get to try, but, and then say, I made a mistake and I say, well, you know, everyone else who followed you, so don't feel too bad about it.

It's normal. Apparently it's quite a common reaction to make yourself feel better if someone else is doing badly in the cases of COVID-19, especially. Yeah. Politicians, very public type of denial in a way you think you do that and it's not nice. Sometimes you just got to think that you really

[00:14:59] Stuart: deserve that.

From Australia in skeptics.

[00:15:18] VO Guy: And that's

[00:15:18] Stuart: the shift for now? The space-time is available every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday through apple podcasts, iTunes, Stitcher, Google podcast, pocket casts, Spotify, a cast, Amazon music bites.com. SoundCloud, YouTube, your favorite podcast, download provider and from time with Stuart, gary.com space times also broadcast through the national science foundation on science own radio and on both iHeart, radio and tune in re.

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Just go to space time with Stuart, gary.com for full details. And if you want more space time, please check out our blog where you'll find all the stuff we couldn't fit in the show, as well as heaps of images, new stories, loads, videos, and things on the web. I find interesting or amusing, just go to space-time with Stuart, gary.tumbler.com.

That's all one word and that's tumbler without the aid, you can also follow us through at Stuart Gary on Twitter at space-time with steward Gary on Instagram. Through a space-time YouTube channel and on Facebook, just go to facebook.com forward slash space time with Stuart, Gary and space-time is brought to you in collaboration with Australian sky and telescope magazine, your window on the universe.

VO Guy: You've been listening to SpaceTime with Stuart Gary. This has been another quality podcast production and from bitesz.com.

Tim Mendham Profile Photo

Tim Mendham


Editor with Australian Skeptics