Civil War (Sci-Fi, Thriller) - Director Alex Garland Step into the trenches of a dystopian America with "Movies First" as our host, Alex First, dissects the harrowing narrative of "Civil War," direct...
Saw X (Horror, Mystery, Thriller) Director Kevin Greutert Writers Pete Goldfinger / Josh Stolberg Stars Tobin Bell / Shawnee Smith / Synnøve Macody Lund Welcome to another thrilling episode of Movies ...
Fair Play (Drama, Mystery, Thriller) In this episode of "Movies First," host Alex First dives into the intense world of high-stakes trading with a review of the romantic psychological drama "Fair Play...
Movies First with Alex First Episode 1024 Answering the big question...should I see this movie? Retribution (Action, Crime, Drama) A bank executive receives a bomb threat while driving his children t...